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What is Unique Ambitions? : 

  • Growing up with immigrant parents, there is a different sense of urgency in a household. Urgency in the sense of getting ready for the real world. As kids/ young adults we usually tend to forget that our parents had more experiences than us. As kids of immigrants, we do not usually wrap our heads around the fact that our parents are learning a whole new culture as well as language sometimes. We should not expect them to be perfect; try merging two cultures/ languages while also raising kids in a social environment you know nothing about. That is difficult beyond imagination. I was raised to follow my goals. As every kid knows growing up, you don’t always agree with what your parents want. A lot of immigrant cultures look down upon careers that are not “safe”. This is exactly where cultural stereotypes come into play. Here is when a lot of youth come into conflict on what to do as they are starting up their life independently. This is where one has to realize that when you grow up, you have to love what you do. You have to make a decision to do what makes you happy. That is what Unique Ambitions stands for. The brand is about being yourself and taking a chance on doing what you want. Giving up on individual goals is the most dangerous thing one can do, because it shuts off potential and leaves one wondering “what could have been”. It is YOUR DREAMS, YOUR GOALS, and most importantly YOUR LIFE.